St. Panteleimon Orthodox Church
Iglesia Ortodoxa San Panteleimón
Summit Argo, Illinois
Map & Directions from Major Routes
Your Address:

From I-294:

Using I-294 North or South - take this to I-55 NORTH to exit Route 171/1st Ave. SOUTH. At first light turn right onto Rt.171/S. Archer Ave. and proceed through two lights. Turn left onto W 61st Place. The church is one block down on the right.

From I-55 (Stevenson Expressway):

Take exit for Rt. 171/1st Ave. SOUTH. At first light turn right (Rt.171/S. Archer Ave.). Proceed through two lights. Turn left onto W 61st Place. Church is one block down on the right. OR: Take exit for Rt. 43/Harlem Ave. SOUTH. Take Harlem to W 63rd St. exit, turn right onto W 63rd St. Proceed to S. 76th Ave. (Archer Bank on the Corner) turn right. The church is three blocks down on the right.


Parking is available on any street close to the church. There is also a small parking lot in the alley directly behind the church, between W 61st Place and W 62nd St.

Worship with Us!

Church Address:

7549 W 61st Place
Summit Argo, IL 60501-1617

Sunday Services:

9:40am: 3rd & 6th Hours
10:00am: Divine Liturgy

Coffee hour in church basement after services. All are welcome!

Upcoming Services:

Sunday, February 16
Sunday of the Prodigal Son
No services at St Panteleimon
Sunday, February 23
Meatfare Sunday: The Last Judgment
St Polycarp of Smyrna
9:40a Hours & Divine Liturgy
Monday, February 24
1st & 2nd Findings of the Head of St John the Baptist
9:10a Hours & Divine Liturgy
Sunday, March 2
Cheesefare Sunday:
Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise
9:40a Hours & Divine Liturgy
Monday, March 3
Clean Monday
(First Day of Great Lent)
(Great Canon at area parishes)

For more details on these and all other scheduled services, holy days, and events, please visit our Schedule & Events page.